National minimum standards

Between 2008 and 2022, students’ NAPLAN results were reported against 10 achievement bands including 5 national minimum standards, which are set out below. Band 1 was the lowest band and band 10 was the highest band. The national minimum standards encompassed one band at each year level and therefore represented a wide range of the typical skills demonstrated by students at this level.

From 2023, NAPLAN results are reported against proficiency standards with 4 proficiency levels for each assessment area at each year level. The NAPLAN measurement scales and time series have also been reset.

Read about the updated NAPLAN reporting.

See NAPLAN student reports 2008–2022 for advice on interpreting older NAPLAN student reports.

National minimum standards 2008–2022


The NAPLAN assessment scale is divided into 10 bands to record student results in the tests. Band 1 is the lowest band and band 10 is the highest band. The national minimum standards encompass one band at each year level and therefore represent a wide range of the typical skills demonstrated by students at this level. For more information, see NAPLAN results 2008–2022.

Students who are below the national minimum standard have not achieved the learning outcomes expected for their year level. They are at risk of being unable to progress satisfactorily at school without targeted intervention.


Year 3 | Year 5  | Year 7 | Year 9 |

The skills demonstrated in reading at a particular year level are dependent on the complexity and accessibility of the text. Texts typically increase in difficulty from Year 3 to Year 9.

Year 3

In Year 3, reading texts tend to have predictable text and sentence structures. Words that may be unfamiliar are explained in the writing or through the accompanying illustrations. Typically, these texts use familiar, everyday language.

At the national minimum standard, Year 3 students generally make some meaning from short texts, such as stories and simple reports, which have some visual support. They make connections between directly stated information and between text and pictures.

When reading simple imaginative texts, students can:

  • find directly stated information

  • connect ideas across sentences and paragraphs

  • interpret ideas, including some expressed in complex sentences

  • identify a sequence of events

  • infer the writer’s feelings.

When reading simple information texts, students can:

  • find directly stated information

  • connect an illustration with ideas in the text

  • locate a detail in the text

  • identify the meaning of a word in context

  • connect ideas within a sentence and across the text

  • identify the purpose of the text

  • identify conventions such as lists and those conventions used in a letter.


Year 5

In Year 5, reading texts may include a range of genres including biographies, autobiographies and persuasive texts such as advertisements. Sentence structure may be varied. Some unfamiliar vocabulary is included, particularly subject-specific words, but its use will be supported by text and illustrations.

At the national minimum standard, Year 5 students generally interpret ideas in simple texts and make connections between ideas that are not stated. They identify the purpose of a text as well as parts of a text such as diagrams and illustrations.

When reading a short narrative, students can:

  • locate directly stated information

  • connect and interpret ideas

  • recognise the relationship between text and illustrations

  • interpret the nature, behaviour and motivation of characters

  • identify cause and effect.

When reading an information text, students can:

  • locate directly stated information

  • connect ideas to identify cause and effect

  • identify the main purpose for the inclusion of specific information, diagrams and illustrations

  • identify the meaning of a phrase in context

  • infer the main idea of a paragraph.

When reading a biography or autobiography, students can:

  • connect ideas

  • identify the main purpose of the text

  • make inferences about the impact of an event on the narrator

  • interpret an idiomatic phrase or the meaning of a simple figurative expression.

When reading a persuasive text such as an advertisement, students can:

  • locate directly stated information

  • identify the main idea of a paragraph or the main message of the text.


Year 7

In Year 7, reading texts may include a wide range of genres such as arguments and poems. These texts may use technical vocabulary, complex phrases and varied sentence structures. Use of complex punctuation is evident. Texts include simple examples of figurative language.

At the national minimum standard, Year 7 students generally infer the main idea in a text and connect ideas within and between sentences. At this level, students will not only interpret the meaning of words but also the intention of a narrator and the motivation of a character in a narrative, and the writer’s point of view in an argument.

When reading a narrative, students can:

  • infer the motivation or intention of the narrator or a character

  • draw together ideas to identify a character's attitude

  • interpret dialogue to describe a character

  • connect ideas to infer a character's intention or misconception, or the significance of the character’s actions

  • interpret the significance of an event for the main character.

When reading a poem, students can:

  • identify the intention of the narrator.

When reading an information text, students can:

  • identify the main idea of a paragraph and the main purpose of the text

  • link and interpret information across the text

  • recognise the most likely opinion of a person

  • use text conventions to locate a detail.

When reading a persuasive text such as an argument, students can:

  • locate and interpret directly stated information, including the meaning of specific words and expressions

  • identify the main message of the text

  • identify the purpose of parts of the text

  • interpret the main idea of a paragraph

  • infer the writer's point of view

  • identify points of agreement in arguments that present different views

  • identify and interpret conventions used in the text, such as lists, order of online posts and the use of punctuation for effect

  • identify the common theme in a variety of writers’ opinions.


Year 9

In Year 9, reading texts include those that describe, explain, instruct, argue and narrate, often in combination. Texts will use less familiar vocabulary, including subject-specific words, and complex sentences that contain detailed information. More extensive use of figurative language is evident.

At the national minimum standard, Year 9 students generally infer the main idea in more complex texts and connect ideas across the text. For example, students at this level identify the tone of an argument and infer the feelings of a character by interpreting descriptive text, figurative language and dialogue in a narrative.

When reading a complex narrative, students can:

  • locate a directly stated detail

  • connect ideas across a paragraph or across the text to interpret a description or the motivation of characters

  • infer the main idea

  • interpret and evaluate a character’s behaviour and attitude

  • interpret dialogue to describe a character

  • interpret the reasons for a character's response

  • connect ideas to interpret figurative language

  • interpret the effect of a short sentence.

When reading a poem, students can:

  • identify the main idea of the poem.

When reading a complex biographical text, students can:

  • locate a directly stated idea in the text.

When reading a complex information text, students can:

  • locate directly stated information

  • connect ideas in the introduction of the text or in the body of the text and illustrations

  • identify the main purpose of a text or an element of the text

  • identify the main idea of a paragraph

  • identify the purpose of a labelled diagram

  • identify the intended audience of the text

  • identify conventions used in a text, such as abbreviations or italics for a foreign word.

When reading a persuasive text such as an argument, students can:

  • connect ideas across the text or in 2 arguments

  • identify the tone of an argument.



Year 3 | Year 5 | Year 7 | Year 9 |

The NAPLAN writing task requires students to write in response to a stimulus or prompt. The text of the prompt is read to all students.

A narrative piece of writing is assessed against 10 criteria: audience, text structure, ideas, character and setting, vocabulary, cohesion, paragraphing, sentence structure, punctuation and spelling. Each criterion has a different number of broad categories based on identifiable developmental stages.

A persuasive piece of writing is also assessed against 10 criteria, many of which are very similar to those assessed in students’ narrative writing. The 10 criteria against which persuasive writing is assessed are: audience, text structure, ideas, persuasive devices, vocabulary, cohesion, paragraphing, sentence structure, punctuation and spelling.

The text type will be revealed on the day of assessment. Students will be asked to write a narrative or persuasive response to the writing prompt.

Comparability of skills demonstrated in the writing and conventions of language assessments

Although there is some overlap in the skills assessed in the writing and conventions of language assessments (for example, both assess spelling and aspects of grammar and punctuation), a student’s placement on the band scales for the 2 tests may not match, due to the difference in the nature of the assessments.

Spelling results, in particular, may not be comparable across the 2 assessment tasks. For the writing task, spelling is scored in the context of writing and depends on the words the students choose to include in their responses to the stimulus words and the level of correctness then demonstrated. In contrast, the conventions of language assessment requires students to spell words that have been chosen to demonstrate specific spelling skills.

In the writing tests, the spelling criterion consists of 6 broad categories to measure the range of performance demonstrated from Year 3 through to Year 9.

Using the broad categories for assessing spelling in the writing tests, students at the national minimum standard may demonstrate similar skills in Years 5, 7 and 9.

This does not mean that students that achieve results at the national minimum standard for the writing tests fail to make progress from Years 5 to 9. Rather, it reflects a continuing tendency among students at the national minimum standard to spell difficult or challenging words (as defined in the writing test criteria) incorrectly. The same applies to punctuation and grammar. The use of a particular punctuation mark or sentence structure may not be applicable to the writing task and so will not necessarily be used by the student in his or her own writing; however, when given a specific item in a different context, such as determining the correct use of apostrophes, quotation marks and dependent clauses in the conventions of language test, students may demonstrate competency.


Year 3

At the national minimum standard, Year 3 students responding to a narrative task generally write a text consisting of a few simple ideas that show audience awareness by using common story elements; for example, using a simple title, or beginning with Once upon a time. Students name the characters and setting, and the ideas and vocabulary used are generally very simple. Students typically choose mostly simple verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns. They may include a few examples of precise words and produce some correctly formed sentences. Students use some capital letters and full stops correctly and correctly spell most of the simple words they choose to use in their writing.

When responding to the persuasive task, students at the national minimum standard for Year 3 generally write a text consisting of a few simple ideas that show audience awareness by providing some simple information about the topic. Simple persuasive devices such as opinions and reasons are used in an attempt to convince a reader. Students typically choose mostly simple verbs, adverbs, adjectives and nouns. They may include a few examples of precise, topic specific words and produce some correctly formed sentences. Students use some capital letters and full stops correctly and correctly spell most of the simple words they choose to use in their writing.


Year 5

At the national minimum standard, Year 5 students generally write a story with a few related ideas which are not well elaborated, and attempt to create a clear context by providing brief descriptions of the characters and/or setting. The vocabulary used is usually simple.

When responding to the persuasive task, these students at the national minimum standard for Year 5 generally write a text that attempts to create a position on a topic by providing a context and some points of argument with some simple elaboration. They attempt a small range of simple persuasive devices and use some topic specific vocabulary.

When writing to either task, students typically correctly structure most simple and compound sentences and generally use some correct links between sentences. Most referring words are accurate. Students typically correctly punctuate some sentences with both capital letters and full stops. They may demonstrate correct use of capitals for names and some other punctuation.

Students correctly spell most simple and common words.


Year 7

At the national minimum standard, Year 7 students generally structure a story to include a beginning and a complication, although the conclusion may be weak or simple, or a persuasive essay that has an indefinable introduction, body and conclusion, although the introduction and/or the conclusion may be weak or simple.

Students typically include sufficient information for the story or essay to be easily understood by the reader and there is usually development and elaboration of ideas which all relate coherently to a central storyline or the position taken on a topic. They use a small range of simple persuasive devices with some success and use some topic specific vocabulary.

Some precision is evident in the vocabulary use although words are not all used successfully. Students correctly structure most simple and compound sentences and some complex sentences and correctly punctuate some sentences with both capital letters and full stops. They may demonstrate correct use of some other punctuation, for example quotation marks for direct speech or commas for phrasing.

Students correctly spell most simple and common words.


Year 9

At the national minimum standard, Year 9 students generally write stories with a beginning, complication and ending and can organise a story into paragraphs that focus on one idea or a group of related ideas. Students attempt to develop context by providing some elaboration, detail and description of characters and settings.

At the national minimum standard, Year 9 students generally write persuasive essays that contain an introduction, a body and a conclusion in which paragraphs are used to organise related ideas. Students attempt to develop their position on a topic with some elaboration and detail about the topic and use a range of persuasive devices with some success.

Students typically use accurate words or groups of words when describing events and ideas although there are typically errors evident in sentence construction. The writing often uses a small range of connectives and conjunctions to link text sections and sentences correctly.

Students punctuate most sentences correctly with capitals, full stops, exclamation marks and question marks. Students correctly use more complex punctuation marks some of the time.

Students correctly spell most simple and common words.


Conventions of language – spelling

Year 3 | Year 5 | Year 7 | Year 9 

Year 3

In spelling, Year 3 students at the national minimum standard generally identify and correct errors in frequently used one-syllable words and some frequently used 2-syllable words with double letters.

Students can spell and correct identified errors in:

  • frequently used one-syllable words

  • frequently used 2-syllable words with regular spelling patterns.


Year 5

In spelling, Year 5 students at the national minimum standard generally identify and correct errors in most one- and 2-syllable words with regular spelling patterns and some less frequently used words with double letters.

Students can spell and identify and correct errors in:

  • frequently used one-syllable words

  • high frequency compound words

  • less frequently used multi-syllable words with double letters.

Students can identify and correct errors in:

  • frequently used one-syllable long vowel words

  • frequently used one-syllable words with irregular spelling patterns

  • common one-syllable verbs with tense markers

  • high frequency 2-syllable words.


Year 7

In spelling, Year 7 students at the national minimum standard generally identify and correct errors in most frequently used multi-syllable words with regular spelling patterns and some words with silent letters.

Students can spell and identify and correct errors in:

  • one-syllable ‘soft c’ words

  • one-syllable words ending with silent letters

  • one-syllable words with irregular spelling patterns

  • frequently used compound words with irregular spelling patterns.

Students can correct identified errors in:

  • less frequently used one-syllable words

  • less frequently used compound words with regular spelling patterns

  • two-syllable words with irregular spelling patterns

  • less frequently used multi-syllable adverbs.


Year 9

In spelling, Year 9 students at the national minimum standard generally identify and correct errors in most multi-syllable words with regular spelling patterns and some less frequently used words with irregular spelling patterns.

Students can spell and identify and correct errors in:

  • multi-syllable soft 'c' words

  • multi-syllable words with regular spelling patterns.

Students can correct identified errors in:

  • less frequently used one-syllable words with double or r-controlled vowels

  • less frequently used 2-syllable words

  • multi-syllable words with the suffix ‘ance’.


Conventions of language – grammar and punctuation

Year 3 | Year 5 | Year 7 | Year 9 |

Year 3

In grammar and punctuation, Year 3 students at the national minimum standard generally identify features of a simple sentence. They identify some common grammatical conventions such as the correct use of past and present tense and the use of pronouns to replace nouns in sentences. They typically recognise the correct use of punctuation in written English, such as capitalisation for sentence beginnings and proper nouns.

In grammar students can:

  • identify the correct preposition required to complete a sentence

  • identify the correct pronoun required to completea sentence

  • identify the correct adverb of time required to complete a sentence

  • identify the correct form of a participle required to complete a sentence.

In punctuation students can:

  • identify the correct location of a full stop

  • identify proper nouns that require capitalisation.


Year 5

In grammar and punctuation, Year 5 students at the national minimum standard generally identify common grammatical conventions such as the correct use of conjunctions and verb forms. They typically recognise the correct use of punctuation in written English, such as the use of question marks and speech marks for direct speech.

In grammar students can:

  • identify the correct conjunction required to join a pair of simple sentences

  • identify the correct form of the verb required to complete a sentence

  • identify which adverb in a sentence describes how an action took place

  • identify the correct plural pronoun required to complete a sentence.

In punctuation students can:

  • identify direct speech that uses capital letters, question marks and speech marks.


Year 7

In grammar and punctuation, Year 7 students at the national minimum standard generally identify common grammatical conventions such as the correct use of relative pronouns and clauses. They typically recognise the correct use of punctuation in written English, such as the use of apostrophes for possession and of commas to separate nouns in lists.

In grammar students can:

  • identify the correct form of the verb required to complete a complex sentence

  • identify the correct personal pronoun required to complete a sentence 

  • identify correct subject–verb agreement in a sentence

  • identify the phrase required to complete a sentence.

In punctuation students can:

  • locate a comma to separate items in a list.


Year 9

In grammar and punctuation, Year 9 students at the national minimum standard generally identify in which tense a short passage is written and correctly use comparative adjectives. They typically recognise the correct use of punctuation in written English, such as the correct form of contractions, and can identify the purpose of italics and dashes in sentences.

In grammar students can:

  • identify the tense of a short passage

  • identify the correct form of a comparative adjective in a sentence

  • identify the word that functions as a verb in a sentence.

In punctuation students can:

  • identify the purpose of italics in a sentence

  • locate commas in a sentence to emphasise a clause

  • recognise that colons can be used to introduce lists.



Year 3 | Year 5 | Year 7 | Year 9 |

Year 3

Year 3: Number

In number, students at the national minimum standard at Year 3 generally recognise, compare and order whole numbers with up to 3 digits, recognising standard representations and different ways of partitioning one- and 2-digit numbers.

Students meeting the national minimum standard have typically developed computational fluency with addition and subtraction of small whole numbers. They generally add and subtract 2-digit numbers, add the value of coins and use partitioning and grouping to solve simple problems.

Whole numbers

Students read, recognise and count with whole numbers up to 3 digits. For example, students can generally:

  • recognise 3-digit numbers in words and symbols

  • recognise odd and even numbers

  • make given numbers larger or smaller by 1, by 10 or by 100

  • count forwards and backwards by 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s

  • skip count by 2s, 5s and 10s.

Students compare and order whole 2-digit numbers. They use place value knowledge up to the hundreds to interpret different representations of whole numbers. For example, students can generally:

  • compare and order 2-digit numbers

  • partition one- and 2-digit numbers in different ways

  • recognise different standard representations of numbers in hundreds, tens and ones.

Fractions and decimals

Students halve small amounts and recognise a half and a quarter in familiar contexts. They start to interpret decimals in a money context. For example, students can generally:

  • recognise a half and find half of discrete quantities or amounts

  • find half of a symmetrical object

  • interpret key decimals in money contexts as dollars and cents.


Students recall basic number facts with small numbers and use them to complete addition and subtraction calculations. They recognise situations involving making equal groups. For example, students can generally:

  • recall and use addition and subtraction facts to 20

  • use partitioning to assist addition and subtraction of one- and 2-digit numbers

  • interpret repeated addition as multiplication

  • form equal groups of objects, given a visual support

  • count and record the total value of coins in dollars and cents (up to $5).

Applying number

Students generally identify situations and problems that require addition or subtraction with small numbers. For example, students can generally:

  • use addition or subtraction to solve routine problems

  • start to link the correct mathematical terms to the relevant operations (e.g. sum, difference, equal groups or equal sharing)

  • recognise situations involving a single operation.


Year 3: Space

In space, students at the national minimum standard generally recognise basic 2D shapes and their properties such as length of sides, and size of angles or areas. They typically recognise and visualise familiar 2D shapes such as triangles, squares and circles, and common 3D objects such as cubes, prisms, cylinders and cones. They also recognise standard 2D representations of common 3D objects, line of symmetry and single turns. They generally follow simple directions to find locations on grids and informal maps.

Classification and properties of shapes

Students typically recognise and describe familiar 2D shapes and common 3D objects. They identify them within sketches, diagrams or photographs. For example, students can generally:

  • identify familiar 2D shapes such as squares, rectangles, triangles and circles

  • identify families of common 3D objects such as prisms, cones, cylinders

  • recognise models and 2D diagrams of common 3D objects

  • differentiate between 2D shapes and 3D objects

  • recognise angles in shapes, objects and in turns 

  • visualise simple objects made of cubes.


Students recognise line of symmetry in simple 2D shapes. They recognise simple transformations of familiar shapes. For example, students can generally:

  • use folding or other techniques to identify a line of symmetry

  • recognise the effect of a single flip, slide or turn

  • use symmetry or transformations to continue patterns.

Location and movement

Students identify pathways and specific locations on simple informal maps, grids and plans. For example, students can generally:

  • identify the key features of simple informal maps, grids and plans

  • use alpha-numeric coordinates to locate position on simple grids

  • interpret informal maps or grids of familiar environments

  • follow directions for moving from one point to another using the language of turns.


Year 3: Algebra, function and pattern

In algebra, function and pattern, students at the national minimum standard have pre-algebraic skills and concepts that relate mostly to number sense. They relate known facts to simple number sentences and number patterns. 

Students at the national minimum standard can typically complete addition or subtraction number sentences involving small numbers correctly. They can model familiar situations with addition or subtraction number sentences. Students can identify relationships between consecutive terms in number patterns with constant addition or subtraction of small numbers.


Students at the national minimum standard level recognise equivalences in a variety of ways. For example, students can generally:

  • recognise a familiar correspondence between 2 sets of objects

  • order objects according to a common criterion 

  • follow a short sequence of instructions

  • recognise an equivalent form of a number or a simple expression

  • identify the same attribute in measurement or spatial contexts.


Students identify and continue patterns and sequences that show increase, decrease and repetition. For example, students can generally:

  • recognise and continue a number pattern with a constant addition or subtraction of a small whole number

  • identify the change between consecutive terms in a simple pattern.


Year 3: Measurement, chance and data

In measurement, chance and data, students at the national minimum standard at Year 3 are generally able to visually compare by length ordered objects and to choose the instrument that measures length. Students can also calculate areas or volumes by counting whole units. They are able to read and tell key times on digital and analog clocks.

Students meeting the national minimum standard record data using one-to-one correspondence and read data presented in simple tables, 2-way tables and pictographs with one-to-one or one-to-two correspondence.


Students identify and distinguish the attributes of shapes and objects with respect to length, area, volume and mass. They start to use informal units to compare, measure and order a set of objects according to a specified attribute. For example, students can generally:

  • understand the language used to describe length in familiar contexts

  • measure length using informal units

  • compare and order objects according to a specific attribute – length, capacity or area.

Students choose and use standard metric units such as metre, centimetre, litre and kilogram. They estimate and compare measurements, and choose appropriate instruments to measure to the nearest unit. For example, students can generally:

  • decide whether containers hold less, about the same or more than a litre 

  • use informal units to estimate length, volume and mass of familiar objects 

  • use some relationships between standard units, e.g. 1h = 60 min, 1m = 100 cm

  • read whole-number scales with all calibrations shown.

Students read times and dates using clocks and calendars. For example, students can generally:

  • read half and quarter hour times on analog clocks 

  • read time on digital clocks in hours and minutes

  • recognise the time half an hour before or after a given time.


Students read data present in tallies and simple tables. They make statements about familiar events that are likely or unlikely to happen. For example, students can generally:

  • read and interpret data presented in lists, tallies, tables, pictographs (1:1 or 1:2 correspondence) or simple column graphs and 2-way tables

  • make qualitative judgements about data in frequency tables

  • identify variation of data in tables and graphs.


Year 3: Working mathematically

In working mathematically, the emphasis is on the processes rather than strand-specific content. In working mathematically, students at the national minimum standard at Year 3 can generally recognise and respond to routine questions addressing known facts in familiar contexts.

Students recall basic facts, terms, procedures or properties of numbers and recognise simple shapes in familiar contexts. For example, students can generally:

  • recall names of familiar shapes, symbols and notations

  • recognise images of familiar 2D shapes and 3D objects, and equivalent forms of whole numbers and simple number sentences

  • calculate with small numbers and coins

  • retrieve information from simple tables, graphs and pictographs

  • group shapes, objects or numbers according to a common attribute or property

  • compare shapes and objects by lengths, areas and masses.

Students’ ability to apply known problem-solving strategies and procedures to solve routine problems is essential for their progress and for their cognitive development. For example, students can generally:

  • select the correct operation or a number sentence for a given situation

  • compare information presented in familiar forms

  • interpret simple diagrams and tables

  • construct number sentences by using known facts

  • follow simple instructions

  • solve routine problems involving one or 2 steps.


Year 5

Year 5: Number

In number, students at the national minimum standard at Year 5 typically understand and recognise relationships between numbers and perform simple calculations with the 4 operations.

Students meeting the national minimum standard have developed number sense of whole numbers with up to 3 digits, and use the understanding of the 4 operations to solve routine problems in familiar contexts. They generally interpret the symbols for common fractions and decimals, and they add and subtract decimals with the same number of decimal places.

Whole numbers

Students recognise, read, compare, and order whole numbers up to 4 digits. For example, students can generally:

  • recognise different representations of a whole number  

  • use place value to compare, order or locate numbers on a number line  

  • multiply or divide by 10 or 100 in place-value contexts.

Fractions and decimals

Students recognise equivalent forms of common fractions and link unit fractions to familiar situations. For example, students can generally:

  • identify and use equal partitions, and name the parts 

  • recognise different representations of simple fractions

  • compare decimals with the same number of decimal places

  • use common unit fractions to solve routine problems.


Students recall addition and subtraction facts with one- and 2-digit numbers and link to routine multiplication and related division facts. They add and subtract whole numbers to hundreds and decimal fractions with the same number of decimal places, and multiply one-digit numbers. For example, students can generally:

  • recall addition and subtraction facts of small numbers 

  • identify and use known number facts to assist calculations  

  • multiply small whole numbers

  • complete operations with coins and record amounts of money in decimals

  • add or subtract common fractions with the same denominators.

Applying number

Students recognise situations that require the use of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division. For example, students can generally:

  • recognise the use of a single operation in familiar contexts 

  • use addition or subtraction to solve routine problems 

  • solve routine problems involving a single operation   

  • add or subtract decimals in money/measurement contexts

  • estimate the value of simple computations 

  • link the 4 operations to routine situations.


Year 5: Space

In space, students at the national minimum standard at Year 5 identify familiar 2D shapes and recognise simple representations of common 3D objects that illustrate the essential features.

They generally identify symmetrical and non-symmetrical shapes and recognise spatial patterns and tessellations. They interpret conventions used in simple maps, grids and plans.

Classification and properties of shapes

Students identify common properties of 2D shapes or 3D objects and use the correct mathematical terms to describe them. For example, students can generally:

  • identify features of common shapes and objects 

  • summarise features of groups of common shapes or objects 

  • interpret the spatial language used in describing common shapes and objects.

Students recognise common shapes and objects presented in drawings and diagrams. For example, students can generally:

  • interpret drawings of shapes or objects that reflect the size and significant features  

  • recognise different orientations of a shape or different perspectives of an object

  • identify shapes or objects with given features 

  • visualise simple objects made of unit cubes.


Students identify shapes and designs that are symmetrical or asymmetrical. They recognise a single transformation used in patterns or arrangements including tessellations. For example, students can generally:

  • identify symmetrical shapes and designs 

  • identify the result of a single transformation of a simple shape

  • identify common shapes that tessellate.

Location and movement

Students interpret key symbols and conventions used in maps, grids and plans. For example, students can generally:

  • interpret the symbols for the key compass directions 

  • link the 4 major compass points to a quarter, half, three-quarters and a full turn

  • interpret and follow directions.


Year 5: Algebra, function and pattern

In algebra, function and pattern, students at the national minimum standard at Year 5 complete number sentences with whole numbers involving addition or subtraction.

They generally recognise number patterns involving one operation and they select the correct rule used in a given pattern.


Students recognise number relationships in familiar contexts. For example, students can generally:

  • identify a familiar criterion used in arranging and sorting shapes or objects

  • recognise and describe simple relationships  

  • use simple tables or graphs to predict change.

Students make links between arithmetic operations based on familiar properties. For example, students can generally:

  • make links between routine multiplication and division facts 

  • use known facts to work out related calculations 

  • make changes to computations that maintain equivalence.


Students solve simple number sentences arising from familiar situations. For example, students can generally:

  • recognise the number sentence that matches a familiar situation

  • recognise equivalence in familiar contexts (e.g. balance scales)

  • solve one-step number sentences involving simple calculations.


Students recognise and describe numerical and spatial patterns. For example, students can generally:

  • recognise different representations of the same pattern 

  • recognise a single relationship between consecutive terms 

  • continue number patterns requiring one-step calculations.


Year 5: Measurement, chance and data

In measurement, chance and data, students at the national minimum standard at Year 5 use standard units such as centimetres and metres to measure lengths, grams and kilograms to measure mass, and litres to measure capacity.

Students meeting the national minimum standard identify the possible outcomes for familiar events and make predictions. They read data in tables and simple graphs, and check simple statements.


Students compare, measure, and order lengths, areas, volumes, angles and masses selecting and using suitable standard units and appropriate measuring instruments and scales. For example, students can generally:

  • choose the appropriate attribute to compare objects

  • measure and compare areas of shapes on grids counting whole and half units 

  • measure and compare volumes counting informal units 

  • arrange measurements in order of magnitude 

  • make reasonable estimates of a quantity using known measures. 

Students recognise different recordings of metric measures. They understand relationships between perimeters of familiar shapes and the lengths of their sides. For example, students can generally:

  • read measures from simple whole-unit scales. 

Students read times on digital clocks and key times on analogue clocks, and they calculate durations of specific events. Students use calendars and simple timetables and timelines to sequence events. For example, students can generally:

  • recognise key times on analogue clocks and read times on digital clocks 

  • identify equivalent forms of saying and recording a key time  

  • use calendars and timetables to seek specific information.


Students identify the possible outcomes for familiar events and predict their comparative likelihood. For example, students can generally:

  • make predictions based on data.

Students read data presented in tables, bar graphs and simple 2-way tables and make simple interpretations. For example, students can generally:

  • read tabular and graphical displays involving simple whole-number scales 

  • check statements or predictions against data

  • identify variation within a set of data.


Year 5: Working mathematically

In working mathematically, the emphasis is on the processes rather than strand-specific content. In working mathematically, students at the national minimum standard at Year 5 can generally recognise and respond to routine questions involving known facts in familiar contexts.

Students at the national minimum standard recall number facts, terms, properties of common shapes and recognise common objects in simple diagrams. For example, students can generally:

  • recall properties of numbers, common fractions, measures, familiar shapes and objects  

  • recognise diagrams of common shapes and objects, equivalent forms of whole numbers, common fractions, decimals and simple expressions  

  • calculate with whole numbers, common fractions with the same denominators and decimals  

  • read and interpret information from whole-number scales, tables, simple graphs and pictographs (one-to-one or one-to-two correspondence)  

  • measure length, area, mass and capacity using standard units  

  • group shapes, objects or numbers according to a familiar attribute.

Students at the national minimum standard apply simple strategies to solve routine problems. For example, students can generally:

  • select the correct operation or the missing number in a number sentence

  • construct and complete number sentence involving one operation  

  • interpret a situation presented in diagrams, tables or simple graphs  

  • follow simple instructions and procedures  

  • analyse patterns to identify the rule  

  • solve routine problems in familiar contexts.


Year 7

Year 7: Number

In number, students at the national minimum standard at Year 7 identify, represent, compare and order integers and common fractions using a variety of methods. They perform calculations using all four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), both with and without the access to a calculator.

Students meeting the national minimum standard can solve routine problems involving simple rates and proportions, and they can use strategies to form reasonable estimations.

Rational numbers

Students represent, describe and order integers, common fractions and decimals. For example, students can generally:

  • order and locate integers, mixed numbers or common fractions on a suitably scaled number line

  • recall decimal equivalence of common fractions

  • recognise different representations of a common fraction.


Students use mental and written methods with addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. They use a calculator to assist with more complex calculations.

For example, students can generally:

  • solve simple problems in familiar contexts involving addition or subtraction of integers

  • use knowledge of place value to multiply and divide decimals by 10 and 100

  • perform calculations involving key percentages or addition and subtraction of decimal numbers with the same number of decimal places.

Applying number

Students form estimates and make approximations. They interpret and solve practical problems using appropriate operations. For example, students can generally:

  • round 7-digit numbers to the nearest thousand

  • solve simple rate problems involving time and distance

  • select an appropriate approximation to a calculation involving money

  • interpret and solve practical problems involving division, with access to a calculator.

Year 7: Space

In space students at the national minimum standard at Year 7 identify, describe and classify common 2D shapes and 3D objects. They recognise lines of symmetry of irregular shapes.

Students, meeting the national minimum standard, can read and interpret maps and plans and they use compass points to follow directions and find locations.

Classification and properties of shapes

Students identify, describe and classify 2D shapes and 3D objects. For example, students can generally:

  • identify common 2D shapes that have specific properties.


Students recognise symmetry and congruence in 2D shapes. They visualise simple translations of objects in space. For example, students can generally:

  • identify an increase or a decrease of a shape or object

  • identify lines of symmetry in regular and irregular shapes

  • visualise possible results of joining objects made from cubes.

Location and movement

Students interpret maps and plans using compass points and directions. For example, students can generally:

  • locate and describe positions on maps or plans using the major compass points

  • interpret whole-number scales to estimate real distance between objects

  • follow directions on informal and formal maps using compass points (including NE NW SE SW). 


Year 7: Algebra, function and pattern

In algebra, function and pattern, students at the national minimum standard at Year 7 begin to recognise and interpret simple algebraic relationships. They can model familiar situations with informal linear equations and number sentences.

Students, meeting the national minimum standard, can use visual images to identify attributes of equivalence, and continue and describe linear and simple non-linear number patterns.


Students recognise simple relationships presented visually as models or numerically in tables. For example, students can generally:

  • recognise and extend a linear relationship in a practical context

  • construct and interpret tables and graphs of simple functions

  • use the links between the 4 operations in familiar contexts.


Students solve simple-worded problems and number sentences. They can recognise and complete equivalences modelled visually. Students begin to identify inequalities involving the use of minimum (at least) or maximum (at most). For example, students can generally:

  • find the smallest number which satisfies a simple-worded problem in a familiar context

  • create and solve number sentences with access to a calculator.


Students recognise and continue linear and simple non-linear patterns presented as models or in tables. For example, students can generally:

  • find the next term in a simple non-linear pattern presented visually or in a table or as a sequence

  • recognise and extend simple number patterns to make predictions or to find subsequent terms.


Year 7: Measurement, chance and data

In measurement, chance and data, students at the national minimum standard at Year 7 use both formal and informal methods to measure and compare lengths, areas, volumes or angles. They identify and use relationships between standard units and read and record measurements from simple scales. Students can read and compare 12-hour and 24-hour time displays, and they calculate elapsed time.

Students, meeting the national minimum standard, can identify more/less/equally likely events and calculate simple numerical probabilities. They read and interpret data presented in graphs and tables.


Students measure and compare lengths, areas, volumes and angles. They read calibrated scales, and make conversions between metric units. For example, students can generally:

  • read time on analogue and digital clocks using 12- and 24-hour time.

Chance and data

Students identify more/less/equally likely events and calculate probabilities in simple familiar contexts. They use and interpret a range of graphs and tables. For example, students can generally:

  • link different representations of the same data 

  • read and interpret data in a 2-way table.


Year 7: Working mathematically

In working mathematically, the emphasis is on the processes rather than strand-specific content. In working mathematically students at the national minimum standard at Year 7 can generally recall known number facts, procedures and properties of whole rational numbers. They can solve routine questions in familiar contexts using known problem-solving strategies.

Students recall known number facts, concepts and procedures. For example, students can generally:

  • recall properties of whole numbers, fractions, decimals and common 2D shapes

  • recognise equivalent forms of common fractions and number sentences

  • calculate with whole numbers, decimals and key percentages using written methods

  • read and interpret information from tables, lists, pictographs and a range of graphs

  • group shapes, objects or numbers according to a common property.

Students' ability to apply known problem-solving strategies and procedures to solve routine problems is essential for the students' progress. For example, students can generally:

  • select the correct set of operations or relationships for a given situation

  • represent situations using tables, graphs, informal number sentences, etc.

  • construct number sentences involving at least 2 operations for a situation

  • follow a sequence of mathematics operations, instructions and procedures

  • recognise and extend number patterns

  • solve routine problems involving the 4 operations, with or without access to a calculator.


Year 9

Year 9: Number

In number, students at the national minimum standard at Year 9 identify, compare and order integers, decimals, key percentages and common fractions. They can identify equivalent representations of common fractions, key percentages and decimals.

Students, meeting the national minimum standard, can apply common strategies to calculate simple proportions, percentages and simple rates used in familiar practical situations. They can use common methods to form estimates and approximations of rational and irrational numbers and simple expressions.

Rational and irrational numbers

Students identify and represent rational and some irrational numbers and compare and order them in respect to their properties. For example, students can generally:

  • identify a rational expression with the same value as a given fraction

  • identify range within which the square root of a 3-digit number lies

  • identify the rational number that is a solution to a routine word problem, with access to a calculator

  • compare and order rational and irrational numbers, with access to a calculator.


Students calculate with 4 operations using integers, key percentages, decimals and common fractions. For example, students can generally:

  • solve a problem involving addition and subtraction of decimal numbers with different number of decimal places

  • use simple ratios in familiar practical situations

  • identify solutions of multi-step word problems involving common fractions or key percentages.

Applying number

Students calculate proportions, key percentages and simple rates involving money, time and measurements. For example, students can generally:

  • solve a word problem involving fractions

  • solve routine problems involving simple ratios. 

Students can form estimates and approximations. For example, students can generally:

  • form estimates and approximations of rational and irrational numbers and simple expressions

  • interpret and justify the reasons for making estimates and approximations.


Year 9: Space

In space, students at the national minimum standard at Year 9 can identify, describe and classify common 2D shapes and 3D objects. Students can recognise symmetry and congruence and relate them to transformations and patterns.

Students meeting the national minimum standard can interpret and use maps to specify locations and movements.

Classification and properties of shapes

Students can classify 2D shapes and 3D objects according to common properties including angles, sides, perimeters, areas and surface. For example, students can generally:

  • visualise nets of prisms or pyramids

  • identify the net of a cube using criteria about opposite faces

  • interpret 2D representations of 3D objects made from cubes and calculate their surface area.


Students can recognise symmetry and congruence and relate these to transformations and patterns. For example, students can generally:

  • identify points and lines of symmetry in complex 2D shapes and specify these in terms of reflection, centre of rotation and angle of rotation

  • identify lines and planes of symmetry of common 2D shapes and 3D objects

  • use and modify congruent shapes to produce tessellations.

Location and movement

Students can interpret and use maps and plans to specify locations and follow directions to move from one location to another. For example, students can generally:

  • use alpha-numeric coordinates to specify locations on maps 

  • identify and use whole-number scales

  • follow instructions for moving from one location to another, with reference to distances, directions and angles.


Year 9: Algebra, function and pattern

In algebra, function and pattern, students at the national minimum standard at Year 9 can recognise relationships and evaluate simple algebraic expressions to establish equivalences. They can construct tables of values for functions following or using simple rules and graph the corresponding set of ordered pairs.

Students, meeting the national minimum standard, can identify and continue patterns and predict future representations in patterns.


Students can construct tables of values of functions given by simple rules. For example, students can generally:

  • identify the linear rule that generates a specific pattern 

  • identify the graph of a simple non-linear function given a table of values

  • read and interpret a range of graphs.


Students can evaluate simple algebraic expressions. For example, students can generally:

  • evaluate simple algebraic expressions with one variable

  • identify solution of simple formal and informal linear equations, unknown on one side only.

Students can establish equivalence between algebraic expressions. For example, students can generally:

  • identify equivalent forms of simple algebraic expressions.


Students can identify and continue patterns, and make predictions of future representations in patterns. For example, students can generally:

  • identify and continue a number pattern from a given diagram or a table of values 

  • identify future term in visual representation of linear pattern.


Year 9: Measurement, chance and data

In measurement, chance and data, students at the national minimum standard at Year 9 can use SI units to measure and compare, and they can apply simple measurement formulae in familiar practical situations.

Students meeting the national minimum standard can interpret empirical estimates of probabilities and compare theoretical probabilities with sample data. They can summarise sample data from a population and make informal inferences in response to questions and hypotheses.


Students can use SI units to measure and compare lengths, areas, surfaces areas, volumes, angles, masses, times and temperatures. They can apply measurement formulae and use them in familiar practical situations. For example, students can generally:

  • find value of missing angle in a triangle, with access to a calculator.


Students can make and interpret empirical estimates of probabilities in familiar situations and compare theoretical probabilities to data obtained from trials. For example, students can generally:

  • identify probability (expressed as fraction) of familiar random event. 


Students can represent and summarise sample data from a given population and can use data to make inferences. For example, students can generally:

  • calculate the average (mean) of a set of data 

  • interpret data presented in a simple bivariate graph 

  • interpret variation between sets of data and the effects of variation.


Year 9: Working mathematically

In working mathematically, the emphasis is on the processes rather than strand-specific content. In working mathematically students at the national minimum standard at Year 9 can generally recall known facts, procedures and properties of rational numbers and solve routine questions in familiar contexts.

Students recall known facts, procedures or properties of rational numbers and interpret and use diagrams incorporating features of 2D shapes and 3D objects.For example, students can generally:

  • recall key concepts, properties of numbers and figures and symbolic or specific notations (e.g. a × b = ab, a + a + a = 3a)

  • interpret diagrams showing features of 2D shapes and 3D objects

  • calculate with whole numbers, fractions, decimals and integers using the 4 operations and approximate numbers to estimate computations

  • carry out routine algebraic procedures

  • read and interpret graphs, tables or other sources, read and use simple whole-number scales

  • measure lengths, areas, volumes, masses, time, surface areas of basic shapes and objects

  • group or order numbers or objects by a given attribute or property.

Students’ ability to apply known problem-solving strategies and procedures to solve routine problems is essential for their progress and for their cognitive development. For example, students can generally:

  • choose appropriate set of operations or a strategy for solving routine problems 

  • represent and interpret data in familiar tabular and graphical forms

  • model a familiar situation with a diagram or an equation

  • draw or identify common figures and shapes, given specifications

  • solve routine problems.
