For schools

Every three years, samples of Year 6 and Year 10 students across Australia are tested in either science literacy, civics and citizenship, or information and communications technology (ICT) literacy. If a class at your school is selected to participate in these sample assessments, support and clear guidance will be provided to ensure that consistent administration of the assessments takes place and all relevant school staff understand their responsibilities.

Assessment package

Assessment contractors manage the administration of the NAP sample assessments. The contractors supply each school involved in the NAP sample assessments with a comprehensive assessment package containing all the information and materials necessary to deliver the sample assessment. Within these guidelines and in line with the National sample assessment protocols, it is the responsibility of each school to deliver the NAP sample assessments to students, unless the contractors provide trained assessment administrators.

Test administrator’s manual

ACARA encourages maximum participation in the sample assessments. If selected to participate in a NAP sample assessment, a school will be provided with a test administrator’s manual which clearly outlines how to monitor and record student participation in the tests. The test administrator’s primary responsibility is to deliver the NAP sample assessment to the selected students. Typically, the test administrator will be a regular teacher of the target year level (Year 6 or Year 10) at the school. The test administrator’s manual contains guidelines and protocols for administering the NAP sample assessment, including a script to be read to students that will help guide them through the test.

School contact officer

Each school participating in the NAP sample assessments must nominate a school contact (SC). Generally, this will be the school principal or his/her delegate. If a school is selected to participate in a NAP sample assessment, the SC will be contacted by the assessment administration contractor who will guide them through the necessary preparations for the assessment. The SC will coordinate activities within the school, such as scheduling the assessment session, notifying teachers and students of the assessment, and liaising with parents. The SC for each school will be provided with a school contact manual.  

School release materials/ Demonstration tests

All NAP Sample assessments are now conducted online only. The tests involve a range of item (question) types – these include, but are not limited to extended text, multiple choice, multiple choices, drag and drop, hot-spot, and in-line selection. If you would like to look at paper-based representative NAP Sample assessments from previous cycles, or take an online demonstration test, please refer to The tests.