NAP sample assessments

The NAP sample assessments test students’ skills and understanding in
science literacy,
civics and citizenship and
information and communication technology (ICT) literacy. Only selected groups of students in Years 6 and 10 participate in these sample assessments, which are held on a rolling three-yearly basis. NAP sample assessments began in 2003 with science literacy (NAP–SL), followed by civics and citizenship (NAP
–CC) in 2004 and information and communication technology literacy (NAP–ICTL) in 2005.
Primary and secondary schools participating in the NAP sample assessments benefit in a number of ways. Their students have the opportunity to engage with state-of-the-art assessment materials delivered online and to become familiar with test-taking in the online environment. This is an excellent learning opportunity for students.
International assessments
The National Assessment Program (NAP) also includes the delivery of international sample assessments which are overseen by international organisations. For more information on how these assessments are managed in Australia on behalf of the Education Council, please click on the links below:
The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) is the independent authority responsible for the overall management of the National Assessment Program, including the NAP sample assessments. However, ACARA does not oversee the delivery of these international assessments (ie PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS).