About NAP sample – ICT Literacy (NAP-ICTL)

The National Assessment Program – Information and Communication Technology Literacy (NAP–ICTL) is an online assessment that gives schools, education ministers and the community information on Year 6 and Year 10 students’ ICT literacy, to improve teaching and learning. 

The test is delivered in schools through software designed to reflect how students use digital tools in their lives. ICT literacy aims to build students’ capacity to become literate, creative, productive users of digital tools (hardware and software) and this is what is tested. 

ICT literacy is demonstrated through the application of 6 integrated processes. Students are tested on their ability to: 

  • access information (identifying the information, and knowing how to find and retrieve information)
  • manage information (organising and storing information for retrieval and re-use) 
  • evaluate (reflecting on the processes used to design and construct digital solutions, and making judgements regarding the integrity, relevance and usefulness of information)
  • develop new understandings (creating information and knowledge by synthesising, adapting, applying, designing, inventing or authoring) 
  • communicate (exchanging information by sharing knowledge and creating information products to suit the audience, the context and the medium) 
  • use digital tools appropriately (making critical, reflective and strategic ICT decisions, and using digital tools responsibly by considering social, legal and ethical issues). 

The NAP–ICT Literacy assessment instrument requires students to apply the processes of using digital tools in real-world contexts.

Information about NAP–ICTL 2025:

Who is assessed and when?

A representative sample of students from government, catholic and independent schools in metropolitan and rural and remote locations is randomly selected for participation. The field trial validates potential questions (items) for the main study. Sampled schools either take part in the field trial or the main study.

What curriculum content is assessed?
NAP–ICTL information for parents and carers
NAP–ICTL information for schools
Proficiency levels
Demonstration test
Public reports

The NAP–ICTL public report provides:

  • nationally comparable state and territory de-identified performance data and overall trends for Year 6 and Year 10 students.
  • analysis of the achievement of various sub-groups of students, including the relative achievement of boys and girls, Indigenous and non-Indigenous students, and students from different geographic locations and language backgrounds.
  • Public and technical reports
Data portal
