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NAP sample assessments
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NAPLAN information brochure for parents/carers (PDF 222 KB)
NAPLAN information brochure for parents/carers – Simple English (PDF 125 KB)
Public demonstration site
NAPLAN national protocols for test administration
Guide for schools to assist students with disability to access NAPLAN (PDF 405 KB)
NAPLAN test papers and answers from 2012 to 2016
NAPLAN test papers and answers from 2008 to 2011
NAPLAN narrative writing marking guide (PDF 8.04 MB)
NAPLAN persuasive writing marking guide (PDF 5.7 MB)
Sample persuasive writing prompt (PDF 1.47 MB)
Sample narrative writing prompt (PDF 981 KB)
Guidelines for managing test incidents in schools (PDF 1.2 MB)
NAPLAN reading exemplars – third party materials (PDF 382 KB)
NAPLAN How to interpret the SSSR (PDF 2.8 MB)
NAPLAN results – information for principals and teachers (PDF 185 KB)
NAPLAN individual student report – brochure for parents and carers (PDF 173 KB)
NAPLAN proficiency level descriptions (PDF 373 KB)
NAPLAN test window (PDF 659 KB)
NAPLAN and Ramadan (PDF 158 KB)
NAPLAN branching messages (PDF 458 KB)
Guide for schools: How to check your locked down browser for NAPLAN 2025 (PDF 504 KB)
Understanding NAPLAN (2min 20s)
NAPLAN Tailored testing (2min 21s)
Reading the NAPLAN individual student report (3min 15s)
transcript (PDF 132 KB)
NAPLAN accessibility (6min 23s)
transcript (PDF 92 KB)
NAPLAN: physical adjustments (4min 15s)
transcript (PDF 85 KB)
NAPLAN: cognitive adjustments (4min)
transcript (PDF 85 KB)
NAPLAN: sensory adjustments (4min 10s)
transcript (PDF 84 KB)
NAPLAN: social/emotional adjustments (4min 34s)
transcript (PDF 89 KB)
Practice test (NESA) (1min 25s)
Benefits of NAPLAN online (NESA) (2min 48s)
Writing rubric review final report July 2020 (PDF 1.38 MB)
Writing marking rubrics review Aug 2020 (PDF 541 KB)
Accessibility options (PDF 1.59 MB)
Audio delivery of items (spelling) (PDF 1.37 MB)
Automated essay scoring – persuasive writing (PDF 976 KB)
Automated essay scoring – research program (PDF 1.14 MB)
Challenging items (reading) (PDF 1.59 MB)
Challenging items (numeracy) (PDF 1.81 MB)
Device suitability (PDF 3.46 MB)
Parent feedback (PDF 1.9 MB)
Readability and layout (PDF 9.96 MB)
Student engagement and motivation (PDF 398 KB)
Tailored test design (PDF 3.74 MB)
Tailored test development studies (PDF 955 KB)
Technically enhanced items (reading) (PDF 1.06 MB)
Technically enhanced items (numeracy) (PDF 1.54 MB)
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of terms related to NAPLAN
NAP sample assessment FAQs
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